Sunday 26 February 2012


Mountain climbing is viewed by some as an extreme sport,while for others it is simply an exhilarating pastime that offers the ultimate challenge of strength, endurance, and sacrifice . It can be highly dangerous, even fatal, especially when the climber is out of his or her depth, or simply gets overwhelmed by weather, terrain, ice, or other dangers of the mountain . Inexperience, poor planning, and inadequate equipment can all contribute to injury or death, so knowing what to do right matters . Despite all the negatives, when done right, mountain climbing is an exciting, exhilarating, and rewarding experience .

I am going to participate this mountain climbing activity . wish me luck  :)
you must be 100% well-prepared . so here is the
checklist :

I choose hot pants for more comfort

Cap / hat . ( i wish to wear my cowboy hat )


Sun-glasses . ( my bestfriend )

Raincoat . preparations if it rains . Use disposable types to ease the burden

Shoes . wearing the shoes of 'high cut' could protect ankles from injury. Athletic shoes are sufficient. And my nike could give me better protection



Face towel


1 liter bottle of mineral water . This bottle can be used to fill in each shelter

Tissue paper


Food energy that can be transported . like - raisins, chocolate, nuts, energy bars, glucose oral rehydration salts and some .
( like seriously i just can bring all these food to climb up the mountain ?? like seriously ?? im wondering if i could bring my crunchy crispy spicy chicken McDonalds SET LARGE )


Plastic Bag


Medicine . ( do not bring your family doctor, i really mean suitable medicine okay? )

Bag Pack . Recommended to use rain water proof bag. Heavy goods should be limited to be brought up just less than 10kg. Do not punish yourself by lifting heavy loads .


Camera . for picture or video. Do not forget extra batteries, memory card or film negative.


i want to look like her

wish I could wear these clothes to look stylish and beautiful

but if I use like this, I am still pretty. ok i take it :)
i love nicole richie . and i always love her style

Seems like i am too serious about mountain climbing *sampai post yang ni aku tulis dalam english . whoaaahh !! 

I pray I may safely reach the places that I would like it so far. I hope after I had conquered the mountain, I will become a better person and maturity in making decisions about my life .
Soon ........

* jap jap . tapi aku nak daki gunung mana ni ? sumpah tak tahu alamat gunung tersebut erkk .end




  1. hahaha..hunny, dont be such a diva when u were there..just wearing a simple attire k? look hot n kickass in da same time! be safe b.. :D

  2. lol
    i always wanna look good la
    always :)
    do tc too b
    gonna miss you
